Final Project Progress Report #2

I originally wanted to capture London through architecture. That idea has never changed. I wanted to capture and represent this city by not using the people that live here. Rather than exploit the surroundings people live in and how that infrastructure can influence their life. I also wanted to explain how diverse different parts of the city were while still being uniformed and connected. There are multiple personalities in London, but the all connect back to one identity. I believe that by photographing the architecture unique to my favorite places, it will give insight to that theory and help answer how a greatly diversified population all live in London at once.

The one aspect I did have to modify, was that I wanted to do this all with blue skies. This was not really possible, because London weather is not the most friendly. I still will and have gone out on clear days, but some photographs have clouds in them so far. I picked locations that are closer to my experience in London and places I frequent often. What i am using to achieve fluidity within the series is the angle ad point of view of my photographs. I want them to be in the viewers face head on, and not necessarily the most flattering photograph for that building. Its my representation of London and how the architecture interacts with the world around it. This relationship between the tangible and non tangible reality.

These are the photographs I will use so far:

What I have mainly focused on is the use of color and high contrasts. I still am influenced by Saul Leiter and the certain angles and point of views he used to approach a message. They were not always the best, but made the image more powerful.

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